Livinghouse offer a luxury collection of gold bathroom accessories in a contemporary style. These gold finished bathroom fittings are Italian designed and superior European made with each accessory covered by a 10 year guarantee against rusting and corrosion. Within this gold bathroom accessories range we can supply a full range of accessories including gold finished toilet roll holders, soap dishes, towel rails, pump action soap dispensers, toilet brushes as well as matching gold shower accessories including shower baskets and robe hooks. Each gold finished bathroom accessory is made of solid brass with a thick gold plating. We have been selling these luxury gold plated accessories for over 10 years and have never had a corrosion warranty claim, proving the superb quality.
Eine schöne Kollektion an goldenen Badaccessoires, inklusiv Duschkörbe, Handtuchstangen, Zahnbürstenhalter, Seifen- und Toilettenpapierhalter sowie WC-Bürsten. Unsere luxuriösen Modelle bieten den schönsten Finishing Touch, den Sie sich für Ihr Badezimmer wünschen können. Alle unsere goldenen Badaccessoires kommen mit einer Korrosionsgarantie von 10 Jahren.
Luxury Gold Plated Bathroom Accessories & Fittings in the Latest Contemporary Styling
Italian designed and manufactured bathroom and shower acessories in a thick gold plating. These luxury bathroom fittings are covered by a 10 year guarantee against corrosion and rusting. Beautiful quality with a deep gold finish.
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